Donations in Support of our Mission
To help support the upcoming God and Country Concert, we openly solicit your support through tax-deductible donations. Businesses can also provide sponsorship and program advertisements that also qualify as a charitable donation in total or part to the maximum allowed by law.
Our Concert Program will acknowledge donations received by our deadline (TBD for 2022). If you wish to retain “Anonymous Donor” status for program publication purposes, please clearly provide those instructions on your Donation Remittance Form (online or printed and mailed).
Donation Levels
Director Level* ($200+)
Sustainer Level* ($100 – $199)
Patron Level ($50 – $99)
Sponsor Level ($25 – $49)
* Director Level Donors are eligible to receive an invitation for two (2) complimentary tickets to the Pre-Concert Dinner with Guest Musicians, BBC Musicians, the God and Country Committee, and other special guests
Director and Sustainer Level donors may request (up to 8) preferred seating tickets for pick-up at the door.
Donations are processed by The Salvation Army in Central Ohio. They are allocated directly for the God and Country Concert budget when the payment is annotated through memo, form or when received at the event (Donation Table or Free Will Offering). At the present time donations are accepted by check – we hope to present an online credit card option in the near future.
The God and Country Committee is charged with not only organizing the annual event but is also helping to promote and secure funding. While the event is technically underwritten by The Salvation Army, the God and Country Committee has a separately maintained budget and line item accounts. All funding is processed through The Salvation Army in Central Ohio. Still, those monies received through donations earmarked for “God and Country Concert” are set aside and allocated to the concert budget.