Mark Ridenour Set for Guest Soloist

Mark Ridenour, Guest Soloist

We’re pleased that Mark Ridenour, Assistant Principal Trumpet of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra will join us for the 2014 God and Country Concert as our Guest Soloist.  Mr. Ridenour will play solos with both the SASF Brass Band of Asbury University as well at the BBC.  For the last portion of the program performed by the combined ensembles, Mr. Ridenour will conduct one selection.

Mr. Ridenour will reprise an attempted appearance for the 2008 God and Country Concert also with SASF Asbury that was unfortunately cancelled along with OBAF (Ohio Brass Arts Festival) due to a blizzard.  He is an alumnus of Asbury and joins to celebrate the retirement of his former teacher and mentor Dr. Ronald Holz.

We are fortunate that Mr. Ridenour will also conduct a brief Master Class at 3:30pm that day (open to the public – do not bring instruments) in between our rehearsal schedule.